Monday, May 19, 2008

Your Toddler and Reading

It is hard to stop toddlers long enough to hold them in your lap! They have found their feet and are searching for their independence. They really do still want to spend time hearing your voice. Now, you may need to pick the times of day when they are ready to slow down a bit. (But don't wait for bedtime when they might be overtired.)

Find books that are as active as your toddler. Make the books "interactive" by asking your toddler questions and encouraging him to repeat phrases in the books. When you ask your toddler a question, give him some time (at least five seconds) to respond. This is truly the beginnings of many conversations you will have.

Don't pick books that have too many words. The story may be beautiful, but too complicated for your toddler. Read and reread favorite books. Pretty soon your child will be pointing out familiar pictures. Let your toddler have sturdy books that can take a beating. By now he will want to start turning the pages "just like you."

Picking A Book Your Toddler Will Like -- Have small books so they can be held easily. Pick short books that actively hold the toddler's interest. Pick a book about daily routines or familiar faces. Pick a book that has surprises -- sounds, hidden pictures under flaps.

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